1. Elliot learned to scoot backwards! He has since mastered it on his butt and get
all over the place. 2. We got our first ultra sound of our sweet little baby a few weeks ago! 3. We went on the annual Elder/Deacon retreat to the beach. It was such a sweet and refreshing time. Elliot came with and was great. 4. Our sweet niece Brooklyn Ruby was born! We haven't had a little niece born in over five years, so we're pretty excited. 5. Elliot turned 11 months old. 6. And learned to use a spoon (semi) by himself. 7. Elliot and his cousin Levi have developed this really sweet and funny relationship. They already love each other so much. It's so funny to see such little guys hug on each other (they're 4 months apart). 8. Our church's annual Women's Retreat is this weekend. I had the privilege of making some of the decorations and it was so much fun. I really,
really, love making things and love an excuse to do it. 9. This sweet little boy will be a year old in one week from today. I can hardly believe it. 10. 16 weeks! I love that I am showing already. That awkward "do I look pregnant or like I ate too much?" stage didn't last too long this time around :).
How far along? 16 weeks.
Total weight gain? I think like 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes. Completely.
Sleep? Really good. I legitimately think I could sleep all of the time.
Best moment this week? Narrowing down our sweet baby's name. Feeling teeny little baby flutters.
Miss Anything? Nope.
Movement? YES. Teeny little baby flutters after I lay down at night or when I hold Elliot a certain way.
Food cravings? Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Doing the dishes. That might be psychological.
Gender? We don't know yet. SOON.
Symptoms? This week has been good. My morning sickness has begun to subside. I am still really tired at the end of the day. Pregnancy brain is in full swing.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! I am super emotional this pregnancy, though. Like, a joyful emotional. I cry all of the time.
Looking forward to? Finding out our sweet baby's gender. :)