February was a good month. There was some sunshine, some snow, and a lot of time spent together. January and February are usually slower months for us and that usually drives me crazy, but I found so much joy in it this year. It was nice to just slow down and have quiet days at home spent reading and snuggling with each other. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and feel really rested. Which is especially nice because we were going over Adam's schedule for the next few months last night and we realized that starting next week, it will be the busiest that he has been since we got married. With finishing up his last semester of Seminary (woo!), working at Western and beginning to work for our new church, there isn't much time left for doing "nothing." But it's okay, because these things are good and it is good to learn to be intentional with one another and really appreciate the time that we have to spend together as a family and as a couple. And realizing that most families do not have the luxury of just spending open-ended time together multiple days a week... "real-life" is setting in a bit ;).
Elliot is turning two soon. TWO. What in the world? I think back to that dreary March day that made Adam and I parents and I can't believe it was nearly two years ago. I can't believe that he has been ours for TWO years. That boy becomes more and more delightful with every single day. Through the challenges of parenting and through the unbelievable joys of motherhood, this boy is showing me how good (so, so good) and how gracious The Lord is to me! Currently, he is pretty obsessed with "Monster Trucks"... yes, that's right. He walks around the house yelling "Monster truck! Yeah!" all. day. long. But basically, he's obsessed with all forms of motor transportation. He's all boy. He's sensitive, and funny, and caring, and smart and full of life and energy.
Haddon boy is five months old and full of sweetness. He is tender and loving and cuddly and happy and so, so sensitive. I think he would sit and watch his brother play for hours, he is completely in awe of him. He is beginning to look so much like his big brother, which is crazy because they looked so different from birth. He has started some solids (banana, avocado and some apple) and he LOVES them. He just eats everything right up. Currently, he rolls from front to back and can *almost* sit by himself. He is really strong and he loves his little toys already.
These little boys are such a means of grace to us. God is so good and gentle to us that even amidst all of our failures and all of our sin, he still thought it good and right to bless us so wonderfully with Elliot and Haddon. We are undeserving and we are so thankful. These boys make me want one hundred more kids. just kidding. kind of. ;)