Our baby boy turns two today! Oh my. It seems like that giant, squishy, tan (yes, tan), baby boy was just born yesterday. What a delight he has been in our lives! His second year of life was a whirlwind-- a challenging, beautiful, joyful, and at times, a painful, whirlwind. But my goodness, I can't believe how absolutely wonderful life is with this boy. He is funny (so funny), and quirky, and so, so kind, and strong-willed, and sensitive, and compassionate, and full of so much life. I have wanted to be a mama for as long as I can remember but I never thought it would be like THIS. I never imagined that my days would be filled with so much real and raw joy. We have loved watching you become a big brother, develop an excitment for God's word, make friends, love cars, become daddy's helper and grow into such a sweet little boy!
Elliot boy, you bring real delight and joy to the people around you. Being your mama makes me rejoice in The Lord daily. I am grateful and encouraged by the fruit that we see in your life already and I am beyond blessed that I get to spend these days with you. Happy 2nd birthday, El!
Elliot is two! from Adam & Megan Triplett on Vimeo.