Monday, December 1, 2014


"Let us celebrate and keep this festival of our church with joy in our hearts: let the birth of a Redeemer which redeemed us from sin, from wrath, from death, from hell, be always remembered; may this Savior's love never be forgotten! But may we sing forth all his love and glory as long as life shall last here, and through an endless eternity in the world above! May we chant forth the wonders of redeeming love and the riches of free grace, amidst angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim, without intermission, forever and ever! And as, my brethren, the time for keeping this festival is approaching, let us consider our duty in the true observation thereof, of the right way for the glory of God, and the good of immortal souls, to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ; an event which ought to be had in eternal remembrance." 

Friday, September 12, 2014


I can hardly believe that my sweet baby boy is one-year-old today! Haddon boy, your life brings real joy and light into our lives. We see God's love and kindness very clearly when we see you. The Lord has blessed us and gifted us with you and we are forever thankful. You are sweet, gentle, sensitive, funny, so happy (when your mama is around;)) and you sure do love your big brother a lot. My son, every part of me yearns and aches for you to grow and know how deeply you are loved by Jesus and my hearts cry is that he would reveal himself to you. Time is going by faster than I thought that it would (about as fast as they said it would) and I feel really, really privileged to be your mama. I am so grateful for these days with you.

"I want you to be one of the best men that ever lived—to see God and to reveal Him to men. This is the burden of my prayers. My whole being goes out in passionate entreaty to God that He will give me what I ask. I am sure He will, for the request is after His own heart. I do not pray that you may 'succeed in life' or 'get on' in the world. I seldom even pray that you may love me better, or that I may see you oftener in this or any other world—much as I crave for this. But I ask, I implore, that Christ may be formed in you, that you may be made not in a likeness suggested by my imagination, but in the image of God—that you may realise, not mine, but His ideal, however much that ideal may bewilder me, however little I may fail to recognise it when it is created. I hate the thought that out of love for me you should accept my presentation—my feeble idea—of the Christ. I want God to reveal His Son in you independently of me—to give you a first-hand knowledge of Him whom I am only beginning to see. Sometimes more selfish thoughts will intrude, but this represents the main current of my prayers; and if the ideal is to be won from heaven by importunity, by ceaseless begging, I think I shall get it for you."
-Forbes Robinson

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

blueberry pickin'

We went blueberry picking with some of our friends from church the other night. It was the first time we've picked blueberries and it was such a fun time! This particular place is open until 9pm and it was nice to go when the weather was cooler. That has always been my reservation about blueberry picking-- I'm a wimp when it comes to heat especially when I'm pregnant (and it sure seems like I'm always pregnant) so I've never really wanted to go.  Anyway, we ended up picking 30 lbs (!!!!!) and have spent the last few days washing, snacking and freezing them. By the way, 30 lbs is as much as it sounds like ;)! Looking for all kinds of blueberry recipes to put these guys to good use! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

a new baby!

Our family is so, so blessed! The Lord has graciously given us another sweet baby to love on! I am due in January and am feeling pretty good but pretty anxious for the second trimester to start ;). We're  talking all kinds of baby names and anticipating the months to come! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

central oregon family vacation!

We spent last week in central Oregon on our family vacation! It was actually the first time we've ever gone away just our little family and it was such a sweet and refreshing time for us. We spent our time reading, napping (a lot of napping), talking, going on hikes and walks, going to the beach (!!!!), exploring, and just being together. We had originally planned on tent camping but found out that it was going to be too cold so we decided to rent this little rustic cabin, and I'm so glad we did! The first two days were cold (so, so cold) but the rest of the time it was so warm and sunny. We really had a wonderful time and the boys loved spending so much time outside! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

good, good friday.

"Alas, and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a sinner such as I?
Was it for sins that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity, grace unknown
And love beyond degree

My God, why would You shed Your blood
So pure and undefiled
To make a sinful one like me
Your chosen, precious child?

Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut His glories in
When Christ, the mighty Maker, died
For man, the creature’s, sin
Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness
And melt my eyes to tears."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

and, we're done!

I honestly never thought that I would be saying this! Not because I didn't think that my sweet husband was capable but because it was challenging and expensive and life still seemed to go on all the while Adam was in school. It felt like eventually all of the work and busyness would catch up to us and we'd have to quit, but my goodness, God's faithfulness to us has been incredible! From real financial stress, to sleepless nights filled with homework and crying babies, to days without really seeing each other, to sacrificing wants for needs, learning how to live more frugally, learning how to open ourselves to our church-family, to really growing and developing a tangible love for The Lord. Seeing our weaknesses, our empty bank accounts, our inability to manage stress well, our lack in parenting and love for one another, has caused us to see the inverse of God's strength, provision, steadfastness and intimate care for us and we are thankful that this is the means that He has taught us to trust Him more.

The Lord has sustained us for four long years of Seminary! Adam has been a full-time student, worked full-time (between multiple jobs) so that I can stay home with our boys, been a kind, loving, forgiving and encouraging husband, has been faithful in our desires to grow our family, been a loving, engaged and tender disciplinary for our children, he has been a committed friend, devoted to his studies, grown in a desire to understand God's word and to see it proclaimed and I am beyond grateful and proud that he is mine!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

We're moving!

We are moving! Again! We have moved every year that we have been married and even though moving is stressful and annoying, we are so excited! As The Lord has grown us, he has faithfully grown our home (no, we're not pregnant ;)) and we couldn't be more thrilled to be moving FOUR BLOCKS from our new church. We are excited to live so close to so many people that we go to church with-- living in that type of community with people, where you just bump into them at the store or run by their house real quick or even just meet them at the park, is really special to us. Plus, I love, love, love decorating our home... so, getting to do it all over again is a gift ;). 

Anyway, we are blessed and excited to be moving to the Sellwood neighborhood of Portland! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Elliot turns T W O !

Our baby boy turns two today! Oh my. It seems like that giant, squishy, tan (yes, tan), baby boy was just born yesterday. What a delight he has been in our lives! His second year of life was a whirlwind-- a challenging, beautiful, joyful, and at times, a painful, whirlwind. But my goodness, I can't believe how absolutely wonderful life is with this boy. He is funny (so funny), and quirky, and so, so kind, and strong-willed, and sensitive, and compassionate, and full of so much life. I have wanted to be a mama for as long as I can remember but I never thought it would be like THIS. I never imagined that my days would be filled with so much real and raw joy. We have loved watching you become a big brother, develop an excitment for God's word, make friends, love cars, become daddy's helper and grow into such a sweet little boy!

Elliot boy, you bring real delight and joy to the people around you. Being your mama makes me rejoice in The Lord daily. I am grateful and encouraged by the fruit that we see in your life already and I am beyond blessed that I get to spend these days with you. Happy 2nd birthday, El!

Elliot is two! from Adam & Megan Triplett on Vimeo.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Life, lately.

February was a good month. There was some sunshine, some snow, and a lot of time spent together. January and February are usually slower months for us and that usually drives me crazy, but I found so much joy in it this year. It was nice to just slow down and have quiet days at home spent reading and snuggling with each other. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and feel really rested. Which is especially nice because we were going over Adam's schedule for the next few months last night and we realized that starting next week, it will be the busiest that he has been since we got married. With finishing up his last semester of Seminary (woo!), working at Western and beginning to work for our new church, there isn't much time left for doing "nothing." But it's okay, because these things are good and it is good to learn to be intentional with one another and really appreciate the time that we have to spend together as a family and as a couple. And realizing that most families do not have the luxury of just spending open-ended time together multiple days a week... "real-life" is setting in a bit ;).


Elliot is turning two soon. TWO. What in the world? I think back to that dreary March day that made Adam and I parents and I can't believe it was nearly two years ago. I can't believe that he has been ours for TWO years. That boy becomes more and more delightful with every single day. Through the challenges of parenting and through the unbelievable joys of motherhood, this boy is showing me how good (so, so good) and how gracious The Lord is to me! Currently, he is pretty obsessed with "Monster Trucks"... yes, that's right. He walks around the house yelling "Monster truck! Yeah!" all. day. long. But basically, he's obsessed with all forms of motor transportation. He's all boy. He's sensitive, and funny, and caring, and smart and full of life and energy.

Haddon boy is five months old and full of sweetness. He is tender and loving and cuddly and happy and so, so sensitive. I think he would sit and watch his brother play for hours, he is completely in awe of him. He is beginning to look so much like his big brother, which is crazy because they looked so different from birth. He has started some solids (banana, avocado and some apple) and he LOVES them. He just eats everything right up. Currently, he rolls from front to back and can *almost* sit by himself. He is really strong and he loves his little toys already.

These little boys are such a means of grace to us. God is so good and gentle to us that even amidst all of our failures and all of our sin, he still thought it good and right to bless us so wonderfully with Elliot and Haddon. We are undeserving and we are so thankful. These boys make me want one hundred more kids. just kidding. kind of. ;)

Friday, January 31, 2014

22 months.

This little boy has been such a means of grace in my life. Being a mama of an almost two-year-old is challenging, at times, for me. There is so much real life happening inside this home and I am often times brought to tears by it's beauty. Motherhood is very different than I thought it was going to be-- and a very good different. I remember thinking it would be all art-work, kisses and play-dates. While there is some of that happening, most of our little life consists of a very different picture. Most of our life consists me seeing my need for Jesus and learning how to trust and rely on him in a very real and tangible way. God is using Elliot to teach me how to care less about what other people think and care more about being a faithful wife and mom, he is teaching me to care less about myself and give more freely to my family, he is teaching me that it is good and right that my body is different because it has bore these two beautiful boys (Romans 12:1) and their future siblings, that even though the days seem long and hard and tiresome, there is real refinement and sanctification taking place, and I am blessed. I am beyond blessed by this boy. Yes, motherhood is challenging but my goodness, it is rewarding! This little boy brings me more joy than I ever imagined. Every single day he is helping to cultivate a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude in this mama. Every single day he makes me laugh and sing and pray and see the world in a new way. Elliot boy, you are a delight and a gift.

"Blessings, like children, are not ethereal and weightless. Sometimes they feel like they come at you like a Kansas hail storm--they might leave a welt! But if you accept your lot and rejoice in your toil, God will give you the kind of overwhelming joy that cannot remember the details. Motherhood is hard work. It is repetitive and often times menial. Accept it. Rejoice in it. This is your toil. Right here. Those are their faces. Enjoy things like this. But joy is not giddy. It is not an emotional rush--it is what happens when you accept your lot and rejoice in your toil. So rejoice in your children. Look them in the eyes and give thanks. You will not even remember the work of all this planting when the harvest of joy overwhelms you." An excerpt from "Loving the Little Years" by Rachel Jankovic

Monday, January 27, 2014


January was good to us. Normally we dread this month around here but this year wasn't so bad. I felt like we were able to calm down a lot after the busyness of the holidays. We spent a lot of time snuggled up together, reading, playing lots and lots of games, being outside (it has been so sunny), eating healthy, spending time with our new church family, taking mini vacations, watching family movies, and just being with each other. 

"I hear it in the rushing breeze;
The hills that have for ages stood,
The echoing sky and roaring seas,
All swell the chorus, God is good.

Yes, God is good, all nature says,
By God’s own hand with speech endued
And man, in louder notes of praise,
Should sing for joy that God is good.

For all Thy gifts we bless Thee, Lord,
But chiefly for our heavenly food;
Thy pardoning grace, Thy quickening word,
These prompt our song, that God is good."

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

a new year.

I cannot believe that 2014 is here-- this past year went by quicker than any other has. What a wonderful year it was! And not because it was all good and wonderful things happening... but because it was hard and stressful and painful (and yes, of course good and wonderful, too) and it made us learn, in a whole new way, how to cling to Jesus. As we have reflected we have realized that our life is not as lovely and perfect as we may have portrayed (or even thought). We see ourselves more clearly today than we did one year ago and in turn, we see more evidently, our need and dependence on God. And that this is okay and it is good. The point is not to become sinless, perfect, happy people but to repent and trust and see our need for Christ; and to see just how good and loving He is. And what a grace that he has shown me in the ways that he has! He could have chosen awful, crazy, circumstances but He chose this little life that we are living. Oh, we are grateful for His kindness and gentleness to us. Through pregnancy, parenting a toddler, marriage, the birth of our second son, friendships, family quarreling, car problems, moving, seminary, death, financial troubles, bouts of depression, stress, changing churches, lots of love and so, so much grace, we can honestly say that 2013 was the best year yet.

2013, according to instagram from Adam & Megan Triplett on Vimeo.
