Monday, January 27, 2014


January was good to us. Normally we dread this month around here but this year wasn't so bad. I felt like we were able to calm down a lot after the busyness of the holidays. We spent a lot of time snuggled up together, reading, playing lots and lots of games, being outside (it has been so sunny), eating healthy, spending time with our new church family, taking mini vacations, watching family movies, and just being with each other. 

"I hear it in the rushing breeze;
The hills that have for ages stood,
The echoing sky and roaring seas,
All swell the chorus, God is good.

Yes, God is good, all nature says,
By God’s own hand with speech endued
And man, in louder notes of praise,
Should sing for joy that God is good.

For all Thy gifts we bless Thee, Lord,
But chiefly for our heavenly food;
Thy pardoning grace, Thy quickening word,
These prompt our song, that God is good."

1 comment:

  1. lovely!…(just catching up on all my 'in every season' reading today:).

