My sweet, sweet Haddon-boy... I can't believe that you're two already! Life seems to be moving at a quicker pace than it did before and it is taking your mama by surprise. When your daddy and I were reminiscing on the past two years with you, we were so overwhelmed by the Lord's kindness and gentleness to us through your life. I feel pretty intimately, that God is teaching me specifics through your (and your brother and sister's) life and it's sweet to intentionally reflect on what that is. I can see so clearly that God is teaching me to trust Him more and that He loves me and He gives good gifts (that aren't hinged on any of my own obedience). My boy, you are such a good gift. Haddon, you are kind, so funny, gentle, sensitive, easy, helpful, smart and so adventurous! You are a bright light of joy and much needed softness in our family; we are forever grateful to God that He made you and gave you to us.

"May my son walk after You, God, and fear You and keep Your commandments and obey Your voice. May he serve You and hold fast to You (Deuteronomy 13:4)."
Haddon is two! from Adam & Megan Triplett on Vimeo.
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